Comfort zone

AtoZ Scaling – The Z for Zone

[vc_row nav_skin= »light » consent_include= »include »][vc_column css_animation= » »][vc_heading heading_text= »The Z for Zone » heading_wrapper= »h1″ css_animation= » »][vc_text_element typography= »{« font_size« :« 18px« } » css_animation= » » color= »{« id« :« Dark color« ,« color« :« #121212« } »]In brief:

  1. We all go through the same process to access our growth zone.
  2. We may be a rock of courage, there are little things that can bring us down.

The big question is not only how to access the growth zone but above all how to stay there at all costs? Well, a good way is to set goals that are constantly raising.

Example: Sport, but this is valid for all categories of business or life. If you want to complete a 200km race, or 50 or 20, set yourself increasing goals. This mechanism will force you to overcome excuses, and constantly acquire new skills to move to the next level.

And you, what goals will you set to stay in your growth zone?

A to Z of Personal Growth for Entrepreneurs (Based on Jewish Wisdom).

This week: Z for Zone[/vc_text_element][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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