AtoZ Scaling – The O for Optimism

[vc_row nav_skin= »light » consent_include= »include »][vc_column css_animation= » »][vc_heading heading_text= »The O for Optimism » heading_wrapper= »h1″ css_animation= » »][vc_text_element typography= »{« font_size« :« 18px« } » css_animation= » » color= »{« id« :« Dark color« ,« color« :« #121212« } »]How to move forward with optimism despite crises and life challenges?

One winning Mindset & Two tools to keep growing in times of crisis.

Ruth, an example of courage and optimism, teaches us that you can go through any ordeal in life if you have the right mindset and the right tools.


  1. A Crisis requires a radical Pivot. A Plateau requires Renewal.
  2. And you, what pivot have you made to adapt to this crisis?

A to Z of Personal Growth for Entrepreneurs » (Based on Biblical Thought).

This week: O is for Optimism


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