AtoZ Scaling – The I for Idea

[vc_row nav_skin= »light » consent_include= »include »][vc_column css_animation= » »][vc_heading heading_text= »The I for Idea » heading_wrapper= »h1″ css_animation= » »][vc_text_element typography= »{« font_size« :« 18px« } » css_animation= » » color= »{« id« :« Dark color« ,« color« :« #121212« } »]Every day we pitch an idea, an opinion, a product, an activity. How do you get your ideas across effectively?

In 2008, 3 entrepreneurs share a crazy idea in front of a Californian investor. “The 2008 financial crisis caused purchasing power to drop, and young people who love to travel won’t be able to afford hotels at $ 150 a night anymore. Our idea is to match them hosts who could offer them an airBed and breakfast (AirBnB). 

Makes sense. Would you like to invest? Mmmmmm, No.

Bottom line:

  1. An effective idea = Logos + Pathos + Ethos.
  2. And you, what is your ethos: What is the deep conviction very few people agree with you on?

This week: I for Idea.

Scaling from A to Z[/vc_text_element][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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